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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  January 17, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ right now at 11:00, snow is falling in parts of virginia. see what's coming in overnight here in d.c.
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>> lance armstrong admits to deep doping. >> yes or no, did you take banned substances to enhance your performance in psych snlg. >> yes. >> tonight, the cyclist talks about his reckless behavior and why he was a bully. >> plus, a teen girl reveals what she did to get away from a man who tried to kidnap her from the school bus stop. we begin tonight with the weather. our area dodged a bullet when it came to the snow. wind chills could be in the teens tonight. doug is here with the forecast. >> the snow has stayed well to the south. you look at the radar picture, it looks like we're looking at some rain and snow across portions of the region. but that's not it at all. this was the area i thought
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would see the most snow. upwards of four inches potent l potentially. if you look at the radar picture now, this is where we've been in the d.c. metro area all day long in a complete doughnut hole here. nothing around fredericksburg, around walsdorf. down towards the st. mary's area. that's the only area that we're looking at a winter weather advisory in effect until 1:00 in the morning. >> out here in virginia about 20 miles west of richmond, the rain changed to snow between 4:00 and 5:00 this afternoon and then it came down hard. it went convective meaning we had thunder snow right before 7:00. snowfalls now about an inch an hour.
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these roads are not in the best of shape, the plows going by and trying to keep up with the snowfall rate. it's been snowing between 32 and 34 degrees. so again, it's the heavy, with et packable snow. it's going to wind down by midnight. tonight, the sun comes back out. that will help out by the roadways, but this was the first snowfall of the season here in metro richmond. i'm weather channel meteorologist mike seidel in virginia. news 4, back to you. >> i thought this would be the first snowfall in through portions of southern maryland. we did not see that happen during the day today. next up with, though, the cold air. that will move in for everybody. i'll show you when it moves in, how long it sticks around, coming up in just a couple of minutes. plus, we'll talk about what happens tomorrow morning, too. we're going to go on for you still at 4:00 in the morning. still are some closures to talk about. you want to stay tuned with news for today starting at 4:00 a.m.
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>> thank you, doug. breaking news out of the seattle, washington. nbc news has just learned that a flight from hawaii was just escorted into the airport by fighter jets scrambled by norad. fbi sources tell nbc news one person is in custody but there's the possibility of a hoax. the alaskan air flight landed safely and all the imagines onboard are fine. nbc news has learned an fbi field office received a phone call saying somebody planned to hijack the plane. there is no danger at the seattle airport right now. a teenage girl attacked on a way to the school stop
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this girl was assaulted on her way to school. >> mentally, that will be in my head for a while. >> she was walking to her bus stop around 6:30 this morning in fort washington. she suddenly saw a man across the street staring, and then he walks in her direction. >> and then he just started to slow down. and then i just noticed that he, like, was staring at me. i was like i might as well keep on walking. she says he followed, asked her name, and then started touching himself and then forcefully put his hands on her. police checked bus stops in the ar area but the search came up empty. >> this teen encourages others to be vigilant. >> so nobody else has to go through what i went through. >> the teen tells us it's going to take a while for her to emotional emotionally heal, but she wanted to share her story so others are
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aware. >> for the second time in a week, robbers used a fire extinguisher as a weapon in montgomery county. two people walked into a restaurant here on south frederick road in gaithersburg tonight and sprayed a manager and a customer. they snatched the cash register and took off. just last weekend, four suspects were arrested near gaithersburg middle school after police tell us they used a fire extinguisher to rob people. the two incidents don't appear to be le related. 90 minutes. that's how long it took a jury to convict a police officer of killing his mistress and leaving their baby girl in a hot car to die. jackie benson is at prince george's county with the emotional reaction from the victim's family. >> i am just so happy that he was found guilty on every count because he's a liar and a killer. and he's gone forever. >> the family of wynetta wright,
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just 20 when she was murdered said they stayed strong for her and for her baby daughter. the 11-month-old died horribly within hours of her mother, strapped in her car seat in temperatures that experts say reached 125 degrees that hot day. >> i'm so glad he's found guilty. i'm just so glad. it's hard to sit ten feet behind someone. >> 40-year-old richmond phillips sat stone faced through the trial that included autopsy photos of mother and child. prosecutors say the married d.c. cop lured her to a rec center then killed her to avoid a paternity and child support hearing scheduled for the next day. >> the baby, you know, i say quite simply when we originally heard about the facts of this case, i said right away this was one that i was going to step back into the courtroom for. >> tears came as jalen's great
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grandfather proudly displayed the i.d. card he wears as a member of the d.c. police department's senior citizen volunteers. after the murders, he decided to serve as a positive force in the agency to which phillips' actions brought shame. >> i never thought i would be associated with metropolitan police again, but after what happened to my granddaughter -- >> the state's attorney says she will recommend a sentence of life in frizz without parole for phillips. in upper marlboro, jackie benson, news 4. >> years of speculation about lance armstrong ended tonight in an interview with oprah winfrey. he admitted to using performance enhancing drugs in all seven of his tour de france victories. erica gonzalez is at the news 4 live desk with more on what we learned tonight. >> the interview started with a series of questions about whether armstrong used specific drugs. over and over he answered with one word -- yes. later eh said his
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competitiveness started with his cancer treatments. >> when i was diagnosed and i was being treated, i said i will do anything i have to do to survive. and that's good. and i took that attitude, that ruthless relentless win at all cost attitude and i took it into cycling. >> he said he was part of a generation of dopers in the sport of cycling. he said his dock fail included blood transfusions, testosterone and epo, a hormone that increases the amount of oxygen sent to the muscle ps . he disputes claims that his operation was the most sophisticated in cycling history and that he forced teammates to dope. but head did admit being a bully. >> i was a bully in the sense that i tried to control the narrative. and there was never a direct order or a directive to say you have to do this, if you want to do the tour, if you want to be
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on the team. that never happened. >> the new york daily news today released a copy of the whistleblower lawsuit filed against armstrong by former team maid floyd landis. it accuses armstrong of defrauding the federal government of millions of dollars while ride on the u.s. postal service team. now, the justice department hasn't decided whether to join that suit or not. the deadline for that decision is this week. justice department officials have asked for an extension. at the live desk, erica gonzalez, news 4. the closure of 15 schools is announced this fall, but 15 too many for parents and children affected. henderson says it will save $20 million to put back into other
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programs. protesters say the closures d disproportionately affect minority students. >> we're following the latest developments out of algeria tonight. some americans did escape that hostage situation at a bp natural gas facility there others are still being held or are uncan'ted for. bp says hostages are on a chartered flight to london. algeria's government refused foreign aid and today sent its own troops in to rescue the hostages resulting in a lot of gun fire and a number of reported deaths. nearly 2,000 people showed up tonight for the reopening of a movie theatre that played host to a tragic story. survivors and victims' families were among those at the theatre in aurora colorado where 12 people were killed and dozens more injured in july. the theatre has been completely renovat renovated. some victims' families boycotted the ceremony and think the building should be torn down. >> new numbers show the majority
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of americans favor tougher gun laws. a new nbc news/wall street journal survey shows 56% of americans do want more restrictions on guns. 7% say current laws are too strict. and 35% want no changes at all. this poll shows 41% of all households have a gun. in rural america, it's 61%, 29% in urban areas. there's also a sharp political divide. 55% of republicans say they have guns compared to 27% of democrats. virginia lawmakers voted on a series of gun bills tonight in richmond. the house committee considered one that would expand gun rights. proposals to ban assault weapons and to require universal background checks for gun buyers were defeated. one delegate tonight made an emotional plea for his controversial measure to train and arm teachers to carry concealed weapons into schools. >> i am serious. the more we delay every day we
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expose children to the circumstance of being slaughtered. >> the committee ultimately decided to send marshall's billion to bob mcdonald's newly formed school safety task force. next on news 4 at 11:00, riderses toed to the ground as an escalator suddenly goes in reverse. why the mishalf is being blamed on superstorm sandy. >> plus the star athlete at the center of that elaborate hoax. was he really a victim? >> the fist lady steps out in style to celebrate her birthday
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we have new details tonight about this escalator mishap in new jersey. officials now say flooding from hurricane sandy damaged this escalator at a train station, causing it to run backwards earlier this month. four people were hurt. that station was fills with more than 12 pete of water after the storm. subway stations in manhattan also flooded. the new york city transit claims its elevators have been all inspected. those escalators, but salt water can cause equipment to fail sooner rather than later. tonight, some new evidence that notre dame football star man mani te'o continued to talk about his girlfriend's heart breaking death even after he knew she didn't exist. he says he found out on december 6 that his online girlfriend was made up, but later that month in
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interviews and even on the heisman trophy award broadcast, te'o talked about her death from leukemia. the story was a big part of the coverage during his heisman hopes since he claimed his girlfriend died on the same day as his grandmother. heed to his coaches about the hoax in late december. but the school never refuted the story the public believed. >> it's not the kind of publicity that notre dame is looking for. it's understandable that they kept a lid on this as long as they could. >> he and his girlfriend smoke only by phone and online. they never met in person. >> president obama and mrs. obama spent a night out in georgetown to celebrate her 49th birthday today. they dined with friends at cafe milano and just arrived back at the white house. she constituent a tweet thanking everyone from her birthday wishes.
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she's also debuting a new hair style for her birthday. the white house released this photo showing her new bangs. >> no snow hat required tonight. >> no, no. she looks good. >> no. >> ewith thought we would be -- or we hoped we would be -- >> even last night, we're talking about this. and i was thinking d.c., nothing to worry about, no snow. but i hoped we would see some snow. i would love to see a little bit. even some flakes coming down. but i thought for sure areas south of fredericksburg and southern maryland would be having snow right now. it just did not come together at all. take a look. we'll show you how this came out. right now, we're looking at plenty of cloud cover across the region. and actually a fairly mild night. temperatures stayed well above where they were forecast to be. and that's because we did not see that precipitation ever actually reach the ground. on the radar picture, and this is a composite radar that looks at radars across the region. this is taking into account the philly radar, the richmond radar. and it looks like rain. it looks like snow across the
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region. but look what happens when you move into the area. this is our radar. right out of sterling. you see here, we've been in this bubble all day long. with nothing even hitting the ground anywhere close to us. you have to go well south of fredericksburg before you start to run into the snow. as a matter of fact, there was snow around kings dominion this afternoon. and take a look at this. this was out of richmond earlier the snow was definitely falling here. they were you should the winter storm warning as was fredericksburg. fredericksburg obviously that warning has been cancelled. richmond, however, still seeing the snow. down towards the south into southern portions of st. mary's county. still a mixture of rain and snow here. it's never really materialized and come down fast enough to drag down the coldest air. that's for one to two inches. i doubt you'll even see that. i really don't think you'll see that. we did not see any advise vis
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actually get to where they should have been as far as snow is concerned. 41 degrees, the temperature now. look at the wind chill, down to 35. the wind starting to pick up. that's going to be more of a story tomorrow morning. temperatures falling fairly quickly. 34 in frederick. 36 in winchester. 37 right now in culpepper. but we still have the clouds. so temperatures can't fall fll we start to clear out. and here's where we're going to start to clear out. this is the back edge of the storm. it will pull out fairly quickly. temperatures will drop by the time you wake up. many of you will see wind chills in the upper teens by early tomorrow morning. there's our storm. there it goes. in behind it, high pressure moves in. we see sunshine tomorrow for the first time in almost a week. but it's going to be rather cold. high temperatures only in the 30s. saturday, really looking nice. sunshine, mild temperatures return. high temperatures in the mid to upper 40s. so again, above average. that's going to be a nice day on saturday. it's not going to last, though. take a look. tomorrow morning, 26 to 32 degrees. breezy and cold with those
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northwesterly winds. wind chills in the teens. as i mentioned. saturday looking great with a high of 47. 45 on sunday. not bad but a frontal boundary will move through. rather breezy late sunday. then we get into the arctic air, a high of 36 on monday, only. 2 on sunday. monday inauguration day. it will be cold as you head out there to watch the president. bright and early for you to talk about all this snow that is down towards the richmond area. >> all right. i'm thinking of all those visitors we have coming to town this weekend. they're going to enjoy the
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>> all right, after months of withdraw, the fans were back in big numbers tonight. >> anded this e -- and they had a good time. sports fans very starving for hockey. the capitals opened the doors for an open practice at verizon center, giving the fans a chance to see the team and they came out in droves. nearly 10,000 fans in attendance for tonight's practice. owner ted leonsis greeting the faithful. also a chance to see the new head coach, adam oates. but tonight was about the fans. and now it's ovechkin thrilled to have the home crowd in his corner. >> it's always nice to see the fans happy and smiling. you know, just watch the team out there. >> been waiting for this so long. love the fans and the rink and everything around here. so it's really good to be back.
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you know, can't wait to play. >> it's crazy. it doesn't surprise anyone in here. we all know how great of a hockey city this is and how well our fans support us. not only just with attendance, but with their positive energy that they bring every night. that's a huge thing. and that, you know, it definitely doesn't go unnoticed. >> let's talk some baseball now, a different era for the nationals. we're not talking postseason anymore. we're expecting world series. because of that, the nats are spending serious cash. today they introduce their new closer, rafael soriano, who is baseball's highest paid relief pitcher now at $14 million per season. nationals general manager mike rizzo made the move and he's expecting it to pay off. >> well, raffi was a good fit because he's one hell of a clos closer. he's not only going to add to what we believe is a great young deep and talented bullpen.
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he's going to not only be a shutdown type of pitcher for us, but h he's also going to be a mentor to our -- polish up our younger bullpen players and get them to go to a higher level also. >> college hoops, the terms hosting nc state. here's coach before the game. >> they've got to understand when they leave the gym, nobody runs transition like us. >> all right, coach. off the wolf pack mis, alyssa thomas in transition. maryland up by six. what else you got, brenda? >> when they leave the gym, they've got to understand that is the best rebounding team in the country. they destroyed us on the glass. tebt ranked maryland rolls
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82-62. >>
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. >> there is apparently no end to the loyalty of one rescued dog in italy. every day at the same time tommy, the shepherd mix returns to the church where his owner's funeral was held two months ago.
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he waits until the bell tolls and moves on with his day. now other people in the village have adopted him. >> tommy is going to have a lot of owners now. >> wow. >> that's pretty cool. >> a loyal friend. >> we like dogs more. >> yeah, we do. that's our news for now. "the tonight show" is coming
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>> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- from "the impossible," oscar nominee naomi watts, nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel,


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